
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Blinc Mascara!

Advantages: Stays put, great finish, easy to use, no flaking, bargain price, good colour choice
Disadvantages: Removing takes a bit of getting used to.
I've always had issues trying to find mascara that lives up to its claims; and I don't know about you, but I am sick of always seeing adverts for mascaras that are claiming to make your lashes super long and super thick, whilst having a disclaimer at the bottom saying that the lashes you see on the model were styled with inserts. Great, if professional makeup artists can't even make the lashes of a model look that good using these mascaras *without* the use of inserts then what hope do we mere mortals have?

I suppose I am quite lucky in that my lashes aren't *too* shabby, they're dark and generally noticeable to some degree even without any mascara on! I still find though, that a lot of mascaras don't really emphasise my lashes in the way they made me believe they would on the adverts and to me this is a big disappointment as when you spend your hard earned on something, you expect that it would do what it said it would do.

I found out about the blinc brand whilst browsing online and thought it sounded great... mascara that doesn't just paint your eyelashes, it tubes them. Yes that's what I said, TUBES them! What it does is creates little waterproof tubes around your lashes, and once applied (and set) the tubes apparently cannot run, smudge, clump or flake... even if you end up crying whilst wearing it, or do what I do and forget about your carefully applied eye makeup when you start rubbing your eyes.

Applying the mascara is very easy; you just need to make sure you move the wand sideways as well as back to front to make sure your eyelashes are not going to set when they're stuck together. If you're used to putting on normal mascara then you really shouldn't have any problems in applying this successfully.

You have about 2 minutes to get all the coats that you want on before the product starts to set and you can no longer apply any more, this is plenty of time to me as I found that I didn't actually need that many coats as I may have done with other brands of mascara that I have tried. The mascara does need longer to dry than any other I have used, so you need to be aware of this before you start messing with things or blinking excessively.

The brush is a big asset to this product as it is quite thin so is more precise when you apply the mascara, it also has a comb like effect that separates lashes as you apply the product and also allows you to get to the shorter and harder to reach inner lashes without either poking yourself in the eye, or getting mascara on your freshly done foundation and/or eye shadow; thus requiring you to restart your makeup!

Once the mascara has set, your eyelashes do feel a bit plastic to the touch but you get used to this quite quickly and it doesn't feel weird on your actual eye when blinking etc. The finish of the mascara was amazing, I was actually really shocked to see how long my lashes looked - and I hadn't even used any primer, in fact after trying it with my Clinique lash building primer I actually preferred it without; however as this isn't your usual kind of mascara this could be why I preferred it without the primer. Blinc do a primer, which may be formulated to work better with this kind of mascara so I would recommend that if you wanted more volume in your lashes than this mascara provides on its own, that you should be looking to get this primer above any others for use with this mascara.

I put its staying power to the test accidently by rubbing my eye without even thinking about it... panic set in, I knew I had mascara on but forgot it was this one so was expecting the worst. Thankfully I was wearing this as it had not budged, not even one millimetre - hallelujah, finally mascara that stays put! It can be used every day if you wish with no adverse effects to your lashes, and will actually last the full day without any loss of impact of the effect it creates. This is perfect for those people who don't have chance, or inclination to keep reapplying their makeup through the day; for those that go from work to the pub or even for brides on their wedding day.

I really couldn't believe it when I found that I could apply it in the morning and it still be looking like I'd just applied it when it was well after midnight. I have actually (accidently) slept in it after wearing it and forgetting to remove it (blame the alcohol that night) and it was still in its place the next morning, now if that isn't impressive then I don't know what is.

The longer lasting formula also applies to the product whilst in the tube, because of its chemical formulation it does not dry out as quickly as traditional oil based paint mascaras.

To remove the mascara you need warm water and a bit of gentle pressure from your fingers or a washcloth to tease and then slide the tiny tubes off your lashes. There's no residue left once removed, and it is suitable for those with sensitive eyes and also those who wear contact lenses. It also does not drag your eyelashes out when you take it off, which I admit I was worried about; I mean I want nice looking lashes when using mascara but not at the expense of them being pulled out of the skin, never to be seen again. This does still take a bit of getting used to, but it's worth it as you save money on eye makeup remover by using this and money saved is always a bonus!

The retail price of the mascara is £18 but it's currently selling in boots at around £14.68 which is a total bargain. It's also available in a variety of colours including black, dark blue, medium brown, dark brown, dark green and dark purple and is not tested on animals. I was using the black one, which was sent to me by the lovely people at blinc to test and review for my website.

More information about the product is available on the website: Blinc UK
Summary: No more bad eyelash behaviour! Highly recommended.

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