
Friday, August 13, 2010

Boots Natural Collection Eye Liner

Advantages: Easy to apply, looks good once applied
Disadvantages: Doesn't stay put or last and wears out quickly.
I bought this as I'd forgotten my eyeliner when visiting family for Christmas, my usual liner was nearly full so I didn't really want to spend a fortune on a new one when it was only really to make do with until I got home. I saw this in boots for the bargain price of £1.99 and thought that as a make do product it would do the job as I've used other natural collection products and been perfectly satisfied with them.   

The application of the product is great, it is soft enough to go on easily and to smudge into place for a smoky eye effect but not too soft that it breaks easily, however I did notice that it had worn down pretty quickly over the 2 applications and a couple of top ups that I used it for. I'm not a fan of hard eyeliner that hurts to apply as it takes forever for it to actually go on so this seemed pretty perfect to me and to have it go down a bit quicker would be a small price to pay for this as it is cheap enough to replace as and when needed.

The overall look from this eyeliner on first application is brilliant, I was seriously impressed as it gave the right thickness and coverage with ease and without going everywhere due to having to force it on and not have time to smudge it into place (or off if you slip and end up with it somewhere you'd rather it not be) not to mention that it didn't end up in a thin harsh line that just looks awful on me. My fiancé even commented on the fact that it looked nice, and that's a good thing as he actually has a decent eye for things like this... without being too feminine about it.

After about 1 hour of having this eyeliner on, I went to the toilet and whilst washing my hands I noticed that it had bled down below my eye line where I had applied it; it wasn't a big problem and was easily corrected with a corner of tissue and a quick wipe; without damaging any of my other make up.

A short time later, I noticed that it had again moved out of the position I had applied it to, and so I corrected it yet again and topped it up a bit as it was looking a bit thin on the ground. This went on numerous times during this evening to the point where I had to sharpen the pencil again; something I've never had to do after only a couple of uses with any other eyeliner. 
I was really disappointed as I'd really loved the way it had applied and the way it had initially looked, and even though it was easily rectified, I felt that I shouldn't have to keep checking and sorting it out constantly through one day/evening whilst only sat in a house having a drink with family. It wasn't even like I had been in a club or smoky environment, and if I *had* been in a club, I'd have just ended up wiping it off as there's nothing worse than walking around with panda eyes in public, I was lucky I was only having drinks in my dads house.

I must add that it seemed to sharpen well enough, but I know that most pencils don't show their true sharpening colours until a bit further down the line, at least not in my experience; and by that time it's usually too late to do anything about it.

Overall, I think the beauty of this eyeliner is that it's so versatile and can be moved around to suit you and get the right effect, but this is also its downfall as it doesn't stay put, and can lead to it running/bleeding from the area it was applied. If a change could be made so that it stayed where it was applied after a few seconds or so (to give time to change it, smudge it or remove it if a mistake had been made) then I would have no hesitation in recommending it to you, even if it got used quickly because at that price I'd have thought most people could afford to replace a bit quicker.
Summary: I wouldn't buy it again.

1 comment:

  1. when you feel and see that your make up is as good as your first application. Then don't reapply for it can ruin what you have done in the first place.
