
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Roc Retin-Ox Intensive Anti-Wrinkle Moisturiser!

Advantages: Makes your skin soft, smooth, supple. Smells nice.

Disadvantages:  Too much packaging, Can be expensive.

At 29 years old, I am feeling as though I am heading ever quicker to every birthday, is time *actually* going faster? I am a lot more conscious of the effect time is going to have on my skin as I can see it’s already starting to happen. I don't want to get old, I don't want to get wrinkles and saggy skin so I am going to try everything in my power to try and prevent/delay this as much as possible so that I don't have to resort to going under the knife and can delay having botox/fillers etc which I am more likely to have as I am a bit of a wuss but could probably handle needles/injections.

My mum has always stressed the importance of moisturising, and I have done so to some degree but recently have been thinking that I should really look for a moisturiser than will do more to help aging and this is the reason that I purchased this cream. I actually got this on offer at an amazing £3.99, which is a massive saving of over £20 from its price in the likes of Boots etc. I thought it would be worth a try at this price and bought a few different Roc products at the same time (and I am sure I will review those at some point in the not too distant future) and I am really glad that I did. I have been using this product for a week now and have been rather impressed with the results so far.

Although I haven't noticed anything different with regard to wrinkling as I only have a few fine lines and it has been such a short period of time, I have noticed that my skin is smoother and a million times softer than it was whilst I was just using normal day cream. I suffer with combination skin to the extreme as I have extremely dry skin in places; I put this partly down to the fact that I do also suffer with psoriasis which can't help matters!

This cream is actually part of a Roc range that is aimed at older skin than my own, however I'd heard that retinol is one of the only products that is scientifically proven to make any kind of difference to your skin with regards to aging. I didn't see the harm in starting using this a bit earlier as I'd prefer to try to prevent wrinkles rather than try and cure them once it was too late.

The cream has a sun protection factor of 15, which means you shouldn’t need to apply separate sun cream in the morning (good for those of you like me who don't normally do this in the UK weather – which I admit is a bit naughty, as it means it's done for you and you don't need to worry about it). I would still advise that you are careful when out and about in the summer or on holiday in a hotter country of course as you will probably find that you need more protection as the sun is brighter and hotter.

The tube contains 30mls of product which doesn't seem a lot but a little seems to go a long way. I would say that maybe it's a bit over packaged as it has a huge box and a plastic mould inside to keep it still in the box. This begs the question why they don't just use a smaller box that holds the tube properly? Especially when you consider that we have all been told that we need to be more aware of the amount of rubbish we send to landfills these days and manufacturers are being told to try and cut down on the amount of packaging used to begin with. Part of me thinks that they do this as they want it to look more premium (without going over to the designer selection) but I still think some of the packaging could be cut down and it would still look as good on the shelf/on your dressing table.

Some people are allergic to parabens, so I will advise that this product is not suitable to be used by these people as it does contain various types of paraben. This is stated on the box in the ingredients list for a more comprehensive list!

I originally wrote this in 2008, and have refined it a little to post up here. The product is still available online, usually for around the £6 mark from what I have seen.

Summary: Lovely creamy moisturiser that you can feel moisturising.

1 comment:

  1. this product has the reason for its price. You get good results and also you will be satisfied.
