
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Avon SuperShock Gel Eyeliner!

I love it when a product comes along that excites me, and I’m very lucky to have been offered a chance to try such a product before its official (re-)release. Now you may be surprised to see that the product in question is an Avon product as although they’re widely known, they’re not usually the first brand you may think of when it comes to products that people should be (and are) raving about.

Their SuperShock Gel Eyeliner has been on sale before (as shown above), but is no longer on the website – it appears to have had a little makeover itself, now sporting a fancy pink lace design (below).

Eyeliners can be very hit and miss, performance wise; liners that are soft enough to smudge usually don’t stay where you want them to, and liners that stay put can be too hard to smudge. I’ve been through my fair share of liners and this one is one of the best that I’ve used.

Firstly, it’s so easy to use, you do not need to keep going over the same skin area to try and get a good colour depth as the colour payoff on the first stroke is incredible. Even the lightest stroke gives great colour and you can easily make the liner as thin or as thick as you desire. Below is a quick swatch (sorry about picture quality, my camera is still out of action) showing a quick and very light sweep of the liner on the bottom, and a normal sweep on the top.

If you want it smudgy then you have a window of opportunity to do it before the colour seems to set in place, and once it has done so then it stays put. I love love love this as there’s nothing worse than having your eyeliner ending up everywhere but the place you had wanted it to be.

I do think that Avon *may* have slightly missed a trick in making it retractable, rather than a normal sharpening pencil – unless, as I suspect it’s something to do with the formula possibly being too soft to use in this way, in which case I forgive you, Avon.

This appears to be the only real downside that I have found, as this means that the liner needs sharpening (using a good sharpener) more than usual as it is a bit softer than a normal liner (although I’ve found this with Urban Decay 24/7 liners too). However, for the price of the liner this isn’t such a big deal and you’re still going to get plenty of wear out of it before you need to repurchase.

I think that there may only be around 4 colours to choose from in this range (judging off the previous incarnation) but I don’t see this as a massive issue, so long as the staples are included, and I expect they will be. Maybe Avon will branch out the range once it proves to be popular.

This liner is a complete bargain, especially when you consider how well it works and how it lasts once applied. It will be priced around the £6 mark, although Avon regularly run special offers so you may even be able to get it cheaper, and it’s available from October 28th.


  1. Yet more praise for this product, and I absolutely can't wait to get my hands on it!

    Great review, Claire! xx

  2. I got this at a recent press event & I love it. In fact I'm wearing in right now as I type! I've been a Bourjois liner convert for amny years and this has surpassed that by a mile. Winner! x

  3. Rachel - you're welcome,and thanks lovely. xx

    LBQ - It's immense, isn't it. I am truly won over and that takes some doing where eyeliner is concerned. xx

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