
Friday, October 8, 2010

Batty For Batiste!

I’ve been familiar with the Batiste brand for a while not, but had never really been able to get to grips with it because I have dark hair most of the time (I have the occasional flirt with blonde and red, but usually end up brunette again in the end) and the product comes out white. It’s a bit like you’d expect talc to be if you put it onto dark hair and I usually just ended up looking like I’d been baking messily or had visited an old dusty building/building site. I came to the conclusion that the normal Batiste range was probably better for people with lighter hair or more patience than me.

When I heard about their new range for dark hair I became interested again in the brand, so was pleased when I was sent some that I could test for myself; there are 2 varieties for dark hair in brunette or black and I got to try out both. Now as I said I do have brown hair but it is quite dark so I found that both of them worked equally as well for my hair without making it too dark or light where I had applied it. Application was easy, although I was aware of dark splatters in a few areas (both around and on me) but these were easily cleaned off and left no marks.

I am completely sold on this stuff, it’s fantastic – perfect for those days where you just don’t have time to wash, dry and style your hair before going out and doesn’t turn your hair white in the process. 

In my brilliant Batiste package I was also sent 2 of the shimmer/glitter varieties (in both gold and silver) and whilst I quite liked the shimmery glittery sparkles in my hair as they were noticeable but not excessive, I found that the actual Batiste product was more like the original white powder style that doesn’t agree with me quite as much. If you have lighter hair however, I imagine this product would be fantastic for you.

They’re all currently available at both Superdrug and Boots for just £2.99 each!

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