
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hair Removal - Threading To Be Precise!

So I found myself signing up to have my brows threaded the other day, in my local Tesco store no less; they had a half price treatment offer on which meant that threading would cost me just £5! I have only minimal experience of threading from many years ago, when a beauty therapist showed me how it was done (after having a bikini wax); but it's been around for absolutely AGES and I had heard good things about it in general so was looking forward to seeing the end result.

I was a bit worried when I felt them removing hair from the top of my brows as although I have always thought they were a bit wishy washy and, well rubbish in general up there, I had always had it drummed into me that you do your hair removal and shaping from the bottom of the brow only so I was feeling a slight panic, whilst hoping that they actually knew what they were doing. It also felt like they were taking loads off, just to add to my worries whilst it was being done.
 It turned out to be needless worrying as all my worries were alleviated once they showed me the results; my brows have never looked so defined, and the hair they had taken from the top? Well that wasn’t anywhere near as much as I had felt it was. Obviously it’s always better to try and leave that top brow hair untouched but in my case I really do feel like it has helped my brow shape.

I’ve seen many places charging a small fortune for threading, which is frankly unnecessary as it only requires threads of cotton and a minimal amount of their time (mine took no more than 10 minutes); however I also wouldn’t advise that you just choose a therapist/salon purely because they are the cheapest either. Don’t be scared to ask questions, how long they have been doing it etc because you don’t want to walk out of the salon unhappy with the results – remember they can’t just reattach the hair once they’ve taken it off.

As a side note, I also had my lashes and brows tinted at the same time (how could I refuse when they were also half price, just £2.50 each) amd whilst the lash tint was quite nice, I don’t feel it made a massive amount of difference to my already fairly dark lashes. The eyebrow tint however, was amazing. I recommend it to you all, even if you get a DIY home kit and follow the Lauren Luke video on YouTube

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