
Monday, November 8, 2010

Leighton Denny High Performance Nail Colour!?

I recently bought some Leighton Denny nail polishes for my mum as I knew how much she liked the look of them when she had watched his show on QVC. Naturally she was chuffed to bits with them, but unfortunately this was short lived.

The colour she wore first (and quite possibly last) was 'Up In The Air' a colour described on his website as:

"Air inspired, this neutral shade is a misty silver grey with the merest hint of pink. Pale, delicate and mysterious this is a cool colour tone that is fashionably 'cool' too."

The claims:

‘An advanced, premium formula. Easy to apply, long lasting and chip resistant’

The reality:

Having applied the polish on Wednesday evening, using her usual base and top coat my mum was disappointed to notice chips to the polish by the Thursday evening.

My mum wears a lot of nail polish and had applied the polish as she usually would; which incidentally is how the packaging says to apply it, so she was not expecting any problems with the polish, especially after only a maximum of one day of wearing it.

She told me also that she’s had cheap polishes that have lasted a lot better than this (W7 brand that only costs her £1.49ish per bottle, if you’re wondering), and after seeing her nails I can totally see why she was so disappointed.

At £11 for 12mls of polish, this isn't by any means a cheap nail polish so I'm only glad that it was my money that was wasted (as my mum's a pensioner), I'm just disappointed that it didn't live up the claims for her.

Below are some photos of her nails that I took on my phone whilst having a coffee with her on the Friday (so please excuse the quality) as I wanted to show you just how bad the polish looked. As a positive point about the polish, she did say it was easy to apply – although took longer than other polishes to dry!

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