
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lucas Papaw Ointment!

My lips can be a complete pain – literally. They get so dried out at times that normal lip balm just doesn’t cut it. I quite like using Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream as it really does help to keep them hydrated, but the smell can be a bit overpowering which is something I’ll put up with as it’s providing such a decent protection barrier on my lips (which stops them drying out even more) but it’s not something I love either.

I found Lucas’ Papaw Ointment by accident really as I saw it when browsing the Cult Beauty website for other things. I read the reviews and then decided that I had to give it a whirl, especially after reading that it was a great moisturiser for chapped lips because it didn’t taste chemical and also that it was odourless.

I decided to play it safe and just purchase the one 25g tube of it, as I didn’t want to buy loads of it if I didn’t know how well it was going to work. I made the right decision as this stuff lasts ages anyway; you only need a tiny amount on your lips to do the job.

It’s made from fermented Carica Papaw fruit which doesn’t sound at all enticing but as it said on the product page, you can’t taste or smell anything really, let alone anything ‘bad’ so I haven’t been too bothered about this at all.

Applying the product is just a case of squeezing out a little product and rubbing it into the area you need it – be that your lips or any other dry or problematic areas of your body. The consistency of the product isn’t oily as such, but it is quite slippy and silky (it has a similarity in texture to Vaseline but a bit softer) which to me is great on the lips and it does give a lovely sheen; but I would say that it does need a short time to dry/soak into areas like your fingers where you may come into contact with other items or clothing – just to eliminate any risk of ruining something.

I tend to reapply the product to my lips every 2-3 hours or so, I don’t think it needs to be reapplied more frequently as even when the initial shine has gone, I can still feel some moisture on them. I noticed quite quickly that my lips were much softer and whilst there was still dry skin on there, I found it buffed off much easier using both a toothbrush and also a dedicated lip scrub leaving much smoother and moisturised lips.

I’ve been so impressed with this that next time I think I will go for the big tub (75g or 200g) as well as a tube of it (for my handbag) as although it does go a long way, I do find that I’m using it all over my body where I have dry areas so buying the big tub for this would present even better value!

Some interesting information from the website:

“Lucas' Papaw Ointment is a world-wide proven remedy of over 100 years standing.
Lucas Papaw Ointment has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties and may be used as a local topical application on the following.
Minor Burns Chafing Cuts
Gravel Rash Minor Open Wounds
Nappy Rash Scalds
Sunburn Splinters and Thorns


Temporary relief of the symptoms of dermatitis and eczema

Papaw or Papaya we all know as a delicious fruit, but the beneficial qualities of Papaw greatly aid the skin.
Lucas Papaw Ointment is made in Australia from pure Australian papaws.”


  1. I have the same problem with my lips! Going to have a look at this!

  2. It's definitely worth a try, let me know how you get on if you do. x
