
Friday, November 12, 2010

Sleek 50% Sale Extended!

Due to its popularity, Sleek have extended their 50% sale until midnight tonight so if you haven't been able to order, or just didn't know about the sale then here's your chance to grab a bargain. I really do recommend the Bad Girl palette if you do decide to make a purchase.

I think this is great news as I have seen a lot of people that have been very frustrated about the website going so slowly and baskets being emptied before being able to be checked out, so hopefully this makes up for the issues and allows everybody to get their orders in!

The codes you need to use to get the discount are as follows:


Who can use this code? >UK CUSTOMERS ONLY


Who can use this code? >MAINLAND EUROPE USERS or those where the € sign is automatically selected as the default currency upon visiting the website


Who can use this code? >EVERYONE ELSE or those where the $ sign is automatically selected as the default currency upon visiting the website

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