
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Swatched: Models Own - Black & Green Sparkle & Black & Gold Sparkle!

I recently did swatches of my Models Own glitter/sparkle eye shadows - well now I have 2 more to show you; this time it’s black with green sparkle and black with gold sparkle. I love dark colours and a bit of sparkle, so was attracted to these pretty instantly. In the Models Own Glitter & Sparkle there are a total of 12 colours available on the website and I could easily see myself owning at least 10 of them (magpie that I am) - especially as they're just £5 each, and even less if you buy multiples from the Models Own website!

Application was a bit more difficult than I am used to if I am honest as the powder and glitter don’t really work together when trying to get a nice finish as the glitter can tend to clump in one area rather than go on evenly. This isn’t a deal breaker as the finished effect is rather lovely; it just means that you need to spend a bit more time applying it very carefully! There is also quite a lot of fall-down, which is to be expected really, as it's a powder so make sure you protect your base, or do it after applying the powder.

I would definitely say to use a primer when using these so that the shadow stays put – because the loose particles could get displaced more easily than usual. Again, it’s no deal breaker as I generally always wear primer as it gives a better, longer-lasting result and doesn’t cost the earth to buy.

The pictures have been done with and without flash, and I’ll indicate which is which as I place them on. Also the thin line is where I've applied it went - to see how it applied and the effect it gave after doing so; it wasn't really any easier to apply this way and I'll let you decide how successful the effect was.

With Flash!

Without Flash!

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