
Saturday, December 18, 2010

25% Discount @ MeMeMe Cosmetics Until February 15th!

Just a little heads up that MeMeMe Cosmetics are offering 25% off your order using the code CHRISTMAS2010 until February 15th. I’ve yet to use the brand but just noticed some fabulous looking swatches on (if you’re not already following her, you should be) which prompted me to go and have a proper look at the products available.

My friend then gave me the code so I thought it was a bloody good time to make my first order with them. I'll be sure to show you them when they arrive, but why not have a look at LBQ and the MeMeMe site until then?!
Just so you know, Christmas delivery isn’t guaranteed with them now, but these seem like they’ll be great at any time of year so I am happy to wait.


  1. Awesome!!! The products by MeMeMe is really fantastic…I love the Eye Inspire Classic Trio Collection! This is really amazing site and I got one from Scented Monkey which has amazing discount on cosmetic and its accessories…..thanks for the article…

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