
Friday, December 17, 2010

Boots Offer Of The Week: Soap & Glory Pink Big Tote Bag

Last year when Boots offered a Soap & Glory Hatbox on their “better than half price” offer of the week, it sound out pretty quickly; so when I noticed that they had a Soap & Glory ‘Big Pink Tote Bag’ gift as their offer of the week earlier today in my local Boots store I didn’t hesitate, and I bought it straight away using my Advantage Card points that I had accumulated recently.

I’ve just got it home so I’ve finally had chance to look inside, and whilst I didn’t doubt that I would like what was inside (as I do love Soap & Glory in general), I was actually really impressed to see that the products included are ALL full size and include lots of my favourites too.

Below is a list of what is included:

* Clean On Me Creamy Clarifying Shower Gel (500ml, RRP £5)
* The Righteous Butter Body Butter (300ml, RRP £9.79)
* Flake Away Body Scrub (300ml, RRP £6.50)
* Girligo Scented Body Moisturising Mist (100ml, RRP £6.25)
* Glad Hair Day Ultra-Shine Super-Shampoo (250ml, RRP £5.11 )
* The Breakfast Scrub Body Smoother (300ml, RRP £9.25)
* Hand Food Hydrating Hand Cream (125ml, RRP £4.75)
* Scrub Your Nose In It Face Scrub And Mask (125ml, £7.25)
* Super Colour Sexy Mother Pucker Lip Gloss in ‘Pink Apricot,’ (7ml, RRP £8.25)
* Off Your Face Cleansing Wipes (25 wipes, RRP £4)
* Giant Super Sudsy Shower Puff (RRP £3.50)

You can see above the RRP of these items, and it all adds up to (without including the cost of the box or bag) £69.65 so you can see it really is a total bargain and perfect present for anybody – especially if they haven’t seen the offer of the week price, as it’ll look like you’ve spent so much more on them.

The box and bag for me will be great to store some of my beauty bits and bobs in, so good on them for using packaging that can be reused rather than thrown away (that’s the hippy in me talking there) – more companies should take note of this in my opinion.

One thing I would say is that inside the bag and box, there’s no filling - so when you open the box there’s just a load of products that look like they’ve been thrown in there, which is a shame.

I think if you’re planning on giving it as a gift that it would really benefit from some pink tissue paper or something in there to fill it up and hide the goodies in, and to make it look prettier. This is easily added though (as the box isn’t sealed, or at least none of the ones in my store were) and pink tissue paper, or other gift packing materials are generally easy to buy.

I don’t think you can go wrong with this gift as I really do think it would suit anybody from a teen to a pensioner (my mum was definitely coveting mine when she saw it, and she’s 63!!) - especially if they like quite sweet smells. The offer is available until midnight on Thursday if I’m not mistaken (and if it doesn’t sell out) from Boots stores and .com for £25, go get one. x

1 comment:

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