
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Essie Winter 2010 Collection - A Few Swatches!

So I got my Essie Winter collection order from the USA, but they only sent 3 of the collection and I’m having difficulties in trying to sort out the others, so I thought I’d go ahead and swatch what I had, since I don’t actually know of or when this issue will be sorted.

Without Flash (Daylight):

L-R - Going Incognito, Hot Coco & Smokin' Hot!

Luckily for me, the colours I had really wanted were included in the package; so here are the Swatches!

Without Flash (under day lamp):

They’re not the best pictures I’ve taken but the lighting at the moment is awful due to the dull weather so I’ve done the best I can so that you can see the colours!

With Flash (in daylight):

With Flash (day lamp):

As always these Essie polishes apply beautifully and are fabulously glossy - in fact my pictures and nail wheel do not do them justice!


  1. Smokin' Hot is BEAUTIFUL! I don't own any Essie polishes - very jealous!

  2. It's gorgeous, definitely my favourite out of the 3!

    Try American eBayers (usually proper business eBayers from experience) for Essie as it works out cheaper than buying over here; and whilst I've had an issue with this order (they sent the right amount of polishes, just 3 of the wrong shades but they say they'll sort it out for me), before this I've never had an issue and I've ordered a lot this way. x
