
Saturday, December 18, 2010

TriPollar STOP Age (For Face) Trial - Part 1 - The Pre-Trial Post!

I’m really lucky to have been given the chance to test a very interesting piece of kit from TriPollar. Their Stop device claims to turn back time and reverse the signs of aging, bringing about a fresh, younger look without the use of professional treatment... sounds good, doesn’t it?!

The device comes in 3 colours and is only about 13 centimetres tall; it actually wouldn’t look that out of place in a modern room as some kind of ornament, and I quite like that it’s not big and bulky too as it makes it easy to store.

I’m not very clued up on the technical side of how this works but from what I can gather it stimulates your skin to produce collagen and thicken the dermis, thus creating firmer, tighter skin - if it works, then I honestly don't mind how it gets the job done.

Tripollar recommend that I spend 12-15 minutes, 2-3 times each week for 6 to 8 weeks using the device for the best results, so I’ll be starting my treatment this weekend and posting weekly on my progress and thoughts along the way.

I’m actually really excited to try this, as whilst I’m not aging too badly (apparently, well I have been told twice recently that I look at least 5 years younger than my actual age – which is 29, almost 30) I do feel like I am starting to see fine lines and other changes that I’d rather not be seeing so I’m hoping that I can reverse it, stop it progressing, or at least slow it down rather than try and cure things when it’s too late.

Further information from the website:

The Claims:

"STOP Facial Skin Renewal Device is Painless, Effective and Easy to Use:
Non-invasive, relaxing treatment
Creates a noticeable clinical effect from the very first treatment
Significantly reduces wrinkles and fine lines
Improves skin texture
Long lasting anti-ageing results

STOP Non Invasive Anti-aging Treatment Results Speak for Themselves:
Very satisfied with immediate treatment results - 95% Agree
Very satisfied with long term treatment results - 91% Agree
Noticed skin lifting effect – 86.4% Agree
Noticed skin texture improvement – 77.3% Agree
Noticed improved skin smoothness, reduction in wrinkles and fine lines – 63.64% Agree

* Self assessment of 23 women in clinical trial

How TriPollar Facial Contouring & Skin Tightening Treatments Work at Home?

As our skin matures and is subjected to environmental effects the connective tissue (Collagen fibers) begins to break down, causing wrinkles and other signs of aging.

The TriPollar RF energy penetrates the skin layers to selectively heat the skin tissue and the extra-cellular matrix (ECM) where the collagen fibers are embedded. The local heating causes an immediate contraction of the collagen fibers, and at the same time increases the metabolism of the fibroblasts thereby accelerating the production of new collagen and elastin fibers.

The contraction of Collagen fibers and the regeneration of the collagen and elastin deposits tighten the skin layers creating smoother, healthier and younger looking skin."

The device is currently on offer at Boots, for £211.65 – it’s not cheap, but if it works then maybe the price would be justified.

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