
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Phil Smith Xtravagant Hairspray!

I’ve tried many hairsprays throughout the years, but have always gone back to my trusty favourite, Elnett as none of them ever performed anywhere near as well as Elnett does (or at least on my hair, anyway); so when I got the chance to try out some Phil Smith products (more posts to come on these), I was very eager to see how well the hairspray performed.

The answer? Very well actually, I was very pleasantly surprised by it as to be quite honest, I wasn’t expecting much from it – not for any other reason than based on my previous experience with hairspray that wasn’t Elnett. The first thing I noticed was the scent... a lovely tropical coconut smell, which I instantly loved as it’s so much nicer than the smell of most other hairsprays (including Elnett), even though I’m not usually a lover of coconut scents on my body!

I found the spray very easy to use, and actually could hold my hair up, spray and have it more or less stay put straight away – although you still had chance to mess around with it before it ‘set’ so to speak. The spray also kept my hair in place very well and wasn’t at all crispy or hard feeling; I also felt that my hair was still able to move around, whilst holding its shape which is a major plus point as nobody wants super stiff lego hair, do they?!

I really like that you can keep adding to the hair to increase the strength of the hold (once the previous spray has dried) – this is perfect for me as I don’t always need a firm hold spray, so this means I’d need to buy more than one spray... which isn’t a major problem but this does seem to solve it all the same.

The price is be £1.99 for a small 75ml can in Sainsburys (found via mysupermarket) compared to Elnett 75ml £2.00 in Tesco (found at, all prices taken today (25th January 2011) so I would expect the price to be roughly the same for all variations (I have the 250ml can, I think it would possibly be around £4, judging by a few different websites). I would be happy to pay this as I do feel that it performed just as well as Elnett on my hair for the styles I’ve tried it with.

Disclosure: PR Sample

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I am looking for the hair spray online because I am losing my hair a lot. I am glad I have found your post. I will surely try this hair spray. Thanks for sharing this information with us. I also wanna know where I can find essay writing service uk online because I really need someone to write my essay assignment.
