
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Swatched: ORLY Halleys Comet (Cosmic FX Collection)

In the next few weeks I’m going to be swatching the ORLY Cosmix FX polishes. I’ve had them for a while now and think the collection is fantastic, I’d go as far as to say that it includes some of my favourite ever polish colours.

I’m starting off with Halleys Comet; a beautiful teal/turquoise polish shot through with gold, green and blue shimmer – kind of duochrome, but not quite as noticeably so as some of the others in the collection. It almost looks like a glitter polish, but without any of the roughness or difficulty removing it which is completely up my street.

Application is lovely, though the brush is thinner than some I’ve used... this doesn’t affect me so badly because my nails are quite thin, but it might be something that some of you may want to consider.Drying time is fairly reasonable, so long as you don’t pile it on in very thick layers... and even if you do muck it up, it’s fairly easy to do a decent patch up job because of the textured finish!

On the swatches above (excuse the cut near the nail), I’m wearing 2 coats of the polish... it could have possibly benefitted from an extra coat but I only really noticed this when I came to crop the photo’s that I took. I also note that my swatches make it seem bluer than it is, not really catching the other colours running through it... in fact I'd say the stock photo (first picture) was actually very accurate.

This is why I decided to take some more photo’s just of the polish on one nail (below), although they’re not a great deal better at catching the colour but I think on some of them you can see a little more of the green in it. I’ve added a few pictures of the bottle at the very bottom, mainly because I quite liked them, but also because I think some of the pictures of the brush show the colour fairly well. What do you think?

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