
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lanolips 101 Ointment!

Next on my Lanolips journey is the 101 ointment, an 8 hour/papaw-esque product in that it can be used for all manner of things on the skin, things like:

‘Chapped lips
Nursing Nipples,
Dry nasal passages,
Dry & itchy skin... and more’

The ointment is a dream to use, easy to rub in and absorbs fairly quickly; it’s less sticky than either of the aforementioned products and can be used with ease on the body without any problems with stickiness – this is especially helpful when using on your hands/nails.

101 ointment holds 200% of its own weight in moisture so is great for an instant moisture hit on any dry spots or problem patches that you may have, and a little does go a very long way!

The product is also not full of chemicals, I really love that the only 2 ingredients in the ointment are Lanolin and Lanolin Oil – so you just know you’re not putting anything dodgy onto your skin. The fact that it is made from Lanolin means that this is not vegan friendly; however it is vegetarian (thankfully for me) and animal cruelty free. It’s also baby friendly so would be great to use on baby skin that is maybe a little dry, or any other conditions without any worrying about the safety - perfect!

Buy it from or Victoria Health.


  1. After using this lip balm, regardless of the season, I don't have chapped lips anymore. I recommend that you try mixing it with your favorite lipstick to create a moisturizing gloss.

    skin care review

  2. That's a great idea, I wonder how well it would do with a Lip Tar or Pout Paint type pigment?! xx
