
Friday, April 22, 2011

Beauty Bargains For Today!!

Wahanda Leeds are giving you the chance to purchase for just £7 either a 'Fish Pedicure' (20 mins), 'Mini Manicure' that includes cuticle tidy, shape & paint, moisturise OR a 'Mini Pedicure' that includes cuticle tidy, shape & paint, moisturise. Not a bad offer I feel - I'd be tempted by all 3 of those! :)

Wahanda National Deal is still the New CID cosmetics set for £22 - I'm still waiting for mine, and now it's a bank holiday weekend there's little chance I'll receive it in time to swatch it before the offer goes off. It still looks like such a good deal though!

Groupon London have another floatation offer, this time for just £12! I really love the sound of this - it would be total relaxation, just what I need. I really hope one pops up in Manchester so I can go and experience it!

Another deal from Groupon London and this is for laser hair removal, six sessions of it for £129, to be precise and you have the choice of either one medium area (lower arms, front/back of neck, sideburns, or G-string bikini) or 2 small areas (upper lip, chin, underarms, or standard bikini). I personally think this is a good deal as 6 sessions should do a good job of getting rid of the hair, in my opinion... unless your hair is particularly stubborn; for instance those of you with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome may need more treatments. Also top up treatments may be needed as hair grows in different cycles but you should, for the most part be pretty hair free after this. I'm currently trialling an at home hair removal machine (due for a post in the future) and also have PCOS but I'm having generally positive results - they're taking a little longer, as expected but I have confidence in the process. It hurts a little, especially in more sensitive area (underarms, bikini etc) but as they say, no pain no gain... and it's not incredibly unbearable, just a very hot shot on your skin!
Groupon in Glasgow have an intriguing offer for six 'Omnilux Enlighten Eye Treatments' that they say will 'reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles' for £79. I have to be honest and say I've never heard of this treatment, but if it does do as it says then this isn't a bad offer at all. Anybody had it?

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