
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Brilliant Beauty Bargains!

My first deal from Wahanda is fantastic if you’re in London as a deal doesn’t get much better than FREE, yes free, nothing, nada.... etc! If you’ve eaten too many Easter eggs then you might just be able to ease your guilt by taking part in a Pilate’s session. The beauty of this deal is that it really does give you the opportunity to try before you buy. A massive £24 saving, obviously equal to 100% saved can’t be grumbled at... it leaves you with enough money to buy yourself a Chanel lipstick if your heart desires it (I know mine does – Tehran, you will be mine... I promise)!
Another fabulous deal is for a £30 voucher for just £10 (available from Groupon) that can be used towards purchasing a Nica bag. I love these bags; they’re good value and excellent quality. I have 3 of them and adore every single one of them, incidentally my mum and sister have one each too as I bought them their own after them commenting on how nice mine were!
Also, if you’re in Manchester and contemplating laser hair removal then you could do far worse than this deal for 6 sessions on either 2 smaller areas or one large area of the body for £99 instead of £1,020. If you’re like me and get fed up of shaving/waxing/epilating then this is what you need. I’m currently testing an at home laser machine (more on that soon) and am starting to see results now that I’ve done 4 sessions – although I think a salon machine would be more powerful. I’m not going to lie and say it’s pain free, it isn’t – well not in some more sensitive areas (bikini and underarms come to mind, the other places seem like a doddle to me, with my pain threshold) but it’s bearable pain – if that even exists haha! If you can cope with waxing/epilating then this will be almost a walk in the park!
I used to do ballroom and latin dancing when I was a child, I got up to my gold medal in both but them gave up as I became a teenager and preferred to go out with my friends rather than spend the evening doing the cha-cha. I miss dancing these days and always pine for it when the likes of Strictly Come Dancing, or the American version, Dancing WithThe Stars are on television. I have tried to convince Mr Beauty Scoop to come with me, but he was having none of it and all my friends seem to be busy with kids or would rather just go down to the pub in any spare time they have.

Anyway, this deal is great for those of you who can convince some body to come with you (or who have the guts to go it alone) and who live in London. It’s for 10 individual hour-long Samba lessons for £32 instead of £80...  I’m so jealous as Samba is probably one of my favourite dances too, it’s such fun and keeps you in shape without you even realising (because of it being such fun)!

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