
Monday, April 18, 2011

Getting To Know You!

Whilst browsing makeup swatches on Google images the other day, it occurred to me that I could instantly recognise various body parts of certain bloggers; for instance Temptalia’s lips, Karla Sugar’s arm, Scrangies, Helen Nice Things’ and Charlotte Lipglossing’s nails too (and so on).

I'd love to be able to take such consistent photographs with my swatches – maybe in time this will come? I hope so!

Anyway, it got me wondering which other bloggers' body parts people may recognise; so I thought I’d put it out there and ask you, my readers which other bloggers body parts you could recognise almost instantly?

1 comment:

  1. I love this post, and you are right I recognise other bloggers body parts too. I also notice Karen from Makeup and Beauty Blog swatches.

    It's like being part of the secret club!
