
Friday, April 15, 2011

My Fish Pedicures In Malaysia (From My Visit Last Year)!

Last year I went to a fish spa in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur to be precise and I had my first ever experience of a Garra Rufa fish pedicure. After about 15 minutes of squealing by the side of the water, scared to death of putting my feet in the water with those little foot nibbling fish I finally took the plunge, literally. The sensation was actually very nice, once I actually let the fish near me – it reminded me of the feeling I had whilst using a TENS machine, kind of a buzzy tingly sensation... and just a tiny bit tickly, even though my feet aren’t particularly ticklish.

^ This picture is of me hovering over the water before I took the plunge... notice the blurriness on it, this is me bottling out of putting my feet in the water for the umpteenth time.
^ Just my heel... I was very tentative!
 ^ All in!

^ Just look at them all!!

Anyway, after I had done it the once, I couldn’t wait to go back and get my feet back in there, and it ended up being one of the highlights of my holiday (in terms of the experience of doing it, and also facing my phobia of being in water with fish – although not completely conquering it as I still won’t be going deep into the sea with a big smile on my face) and my feet were lurrrvely and soft to boot!

Here's a few pictures from Malaysia (from the hundreds I have):

Fish pedicures seem to be more expensive in the UK compared to Malaysia, although that’s to be expected really... however I do keep noticing these deals popping up on Groupon and Wahanda in various parts of the country for fish pedicures at knock down prices, so every time I see one in Manchester I will definitely be taking them up on it.

I am due to visit ‘Appy Feet’ in Manchester soon too, so I’ll be reviewing them in full just as soon as I’ve been.

Have you ever had a fish pedicure? If not, would you?


  1. Malaysia looks gorgeous, I know some of my friends have been and say it's great.

    I've had a fish pedi at Appy Feet in Manchester, it's a very weird sensation, but it's always busy.

  2. Malaysia is amazing, I would go back there in a heartbeat - there's so much we didn't manage to do (even though we were there for 2 weeks). We were so lucky as we didn't have to pay as Mr Beauty Scoop's dad was was living out there for a while for work so we stayed with him in his very posh apartment. I have more photo's, I may put some up if people would like it.

    I've yet to have a fish pedicure in this country, I was actually tempted to open my own fish spa up when I got back but then about 1 month later it all started up all over the place with other people so I didn't see the point haha! I need to arrange to get to Appy Feet though, see what it's like there and then can compare it to my Malaysia experiences. x

  3. great review!! i tried it at my local beauty salon Eastern Arts in Hampshire and LOVED it!
