
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Essie Summer 2011 (Part 1) - Braziliant!

Essie's scorching summer 2011 collection, the Braziliant collection looks absolutely beautiful, I wholeheartedly concur with the ‘brilliant’ reference as I am coveting at least 4, probably 5 of the collection already!
Colours that stand out to me (ie the ones I *really* want) are Super Bossa Nova, Braziliant, Too Too Hot, Meet Me At The Sunset and possibly Smooth Sailing too! The only one that didn’t really grab me is Absolutely Shore... just because I have enough pastel-y green shades currently (I probably have enough of most shades but that’s beside the point)!

What do you think, are there any colours that you must have in your life?


  1. The Meet me at sunset is screaming "Buy Me" i've actually just ordered my first essie nail polish so i'm just waiting for it to arrive.

  2. I really love Essie polish so I don't think you'll be disappointed. Which one have you ordered? x
