
Friday, June 17, 2011

Fabulous Magazine Nails Inc Swatches!

 I mentioned a few days ago about a fantastic Nails Inc offer coming up in the News of the World’s Fabulous magazine (from this Sunday) and as promised, here are the swatches!

Let me start by sayuing... the polishes are amazing, my photographs do not do them justice (the colours are slightly stronger in reality, my camera & the sunshine seems to wash them out a bit) – excuse my nails & cuticles, they need cutting and reshaping but as I’m ill, they’ve kind of fallen by the wayside.
The hues chosen are bang on the money for this summer’s trends – not only that, they’re also richly pigmented; needing only 2 coats to get a finish that I am happy to wear. A third coat may make them perfect, but 2 coats is perfectly fine in my opinion; they also applied beautifully and are super glossy to boot – photo’s show bare product, no topcoat!
Obviously I haven’t had the chance to test out how they wear, but after today’s full day wear they show no signs of chipping or tip wear – as to be expected with Nails Inc, really.

No Flash:
All in all I cannot fault these polishes, especially considering what they will effectively cost to ‘buy’ – I'd definitely consider these to be a must have, so make sure you don’t miss out!

See their promo video here:

Disclosure: PR Sample

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