
Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Little Blog Makeover... Whaddya Think? Suggestion Welcome!

As you may have noticed, the background image from the blog has now gone – this is just the start of a little makeover of the blog as I felt it was all getting a little bit cluttered and busy, don’t you think?

So, this post is basically to let you know what’s going on, in case any of you catch it in ‘testing’ phases and think something is wrong. I also wanted to take this opportunity to ask you what you’d like to see on here; be it in terms of design (bright/neutral/a mixture/larger photographs?), content (more swatches, reviews, specific brands you might like to see) or anything else that you can think of.

I am completely open to suggestions – in fact I welcome them as I really want you to feel that you want to come back and visit! :-)

In other news... here's a cute photo of a baby seal, just because!

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