
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

MAC Fluidline - Sweet Sage!

I’m just getting to grips with gel eyeliners, my hand can be a bit wobbly but this doesn’t stop me buying the liners and practicing like mad. I especially love coloured liners, adding a pop of colour along my lash line is perfect for the summer... or it would be if we actually got ANY summery weather here, anyway!
MAC’s Sweet Sage is a beautiful shade of green, a goldy-green if you will and one that has a lovely glisten to it. I love that whilst it is obviously a colour, it’s also one that could very easily be worn during the day, without anybody batting an eyelid as this means I get so much more use out of it. I do, on occasion wear this over the lid as a base colour and it works a treat - and yep this does happen more often when my wonky hand has been in force, ha!

I understand it is now discontinued; however I still really wanted to show it for the product itself, as much as for the colour.
One of the reasons why is because of how well this product lasts on the skin, it does not budge once applied... hence why I show a faded one on my hand, this is after wiping with a baby wipe (much harder than I would do on my eye, of course) and whilst it has faded, this never actually happens on my eye. Of course this does mean that I have to remove the product with a very good eye make-up remover, but this is no big deal to me as I would use that anyway!
These liners are prone to drying out a little bit after opening, but I’ve found that you can bring them back using either a little MAC Fix+ or even just saline solution (that you’d usually use for contact lenses etc) and working it into the pot. Go slowly though, you don’t want to make it watery.

Fluidline sells for around £13.50 and I would not hesitate in buying this product again (in any colour) as it is fab!

MAC Website!


  1. Beautiful colour! I love fluidline x

  2. This is a very individual colour and I really couldn't get away with it, would be beautiful with dark skin also! I really want to try soem fluidline although my hand is so uneasy at times. I'm glad fix + can sort out any drying as I already have that product and would be so disappointed if it all dried up as I rarely use eyeliner.

  3. Love the colour! I've never used a MAC liner before, I've always been impressed with other brands like Bobbi Brown so will give this a whirl x
