
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Make A Wish...

I got a lovely little email yesterday from Appliances Online’s ‘Fairy Hobmother’ (aka @mrdavidingram), he’s all about spreading the joy and promptly sent me a £20 Amazon voucher... a welcome treat (and a great pick me up to my otherwise uneventful day) since I think my hard drive is going to break soon, so this can go a third of the way towards replacing it before I lose all my precious files!

And, because the Fairy Hobmother is all about the joy, he’s also said that he may be back to the site soon to see if anybody who comments on this post has a little wish that could be granted by him. So if you have been hoping for something in particular, why not post a comment to see if your wish can be granted? Don’t forget to leave some form of contact information too!


  1. My coffee grinder died this morning so if he can magic me a new one that would be good! I'm no good without caffeine in the mornings or any time to be honest) @MadameGourmand

  2. I'd wish of those little hampers full of retro sweets. Ok, ok, nothing to do with appliances but my sweet tooth is talking for me at the moment haha :P

  3. If the sky was the limit, i'd wish for a trip to NY.

    We had a trip booked this year for our 5th wedding anniversary (and 10th year together) but have had to cancel it to help pay for a private bupa operation I need, in the quest of us desperately trying to have a baby. Sadly our nhs trust won't fund the op so the trip had to go. It's a worthy sacrifice!

    I'm not expecting a trip to NY, but it felt good to share my secret wish.

    Failing that, i'd love one of those little mini bottle fridges for my kitchen. We've had to sacrifice nights out in a quest to save money, so something to keep our Tesco own brand beer cold would stop us feeling quite so deprived!

  4. Oh, what would I wish for? Well, seeing as I'm moving in to my first house soon, I'd really love a whole bunch of decorating inspiration and the time to pack!

    Otherwise, I'd settle for a recommendation on a freezer that is as good as my mums - it's over 10 cubic feet, and she's had it for 33 years this August. And yes, that is older than me!
