
Monday, July 4, 2011

The Botox Diaries - Days 1 to 4!

Most of you are probably quite aware by now that I had Botox for the first ever time at the Wahanda event on Thursday evening and a lot of you showed interest in seeing the results. I decided that I would take a photograph every day to kind of record my progress and also show you how it is working, and also frankly how ridiculous I can look when I’m trying to frown whilst taking my own photograph.

My face is always make-up free in these photographs so that you can see the true extent of the frown, with no interference or jiggery pokery in the results coming from having makeup on, so please do excuse my currently rather crap skin - oh and also the odd sized/angled photographs.

Day 1 – This is Thursday evening when I first had the Botox injected, like literally a couple of hours (maximum) later, so this is my true frown ‘before’ Botox!
Day 2 – Not a huge change here, but this is expected really as it does take a few days to start taking effect.
Day 3 – Starting to notice a little bit of tightness around the area, not painful or even bad, but just a little tauter than before.
Day 4 – I’ve noticed that my frown line has really started to smooth out... it’s not gone completely but I’m starting to feel like the Botox is starting to do its work and that my auto-frown isn’t quite so auto anymore! This, incidentally is also the day that I struggled the most to take a photograph so along with the (rather rubbish) photograph is an even more bizarre video of me trying to frown for you – ha!

So far, so good with the Botox – I have absolutely no complaints both in terms of the person who did it (I’d recommend him to anybody, no hesitation), the feeling whilst having it done (pretty painless to be honest) and the after effects that I have had so far. I can’t believe I was ever so worried about having it done for so long.


  1. I love Botox, I was nervous the first time I had it but like you say it's pretty much pain free and the results are really good. I haven't had Botox for several years now (I used to have it all the time when I worked in the beauty industry) but I'm considering having it again after seeing your post. I never had it on my forehead, I always had mine around my eyes and the results were fab. Jude xx @jadlgw

  2. I was also nervous the first time, and also very pissed of because I wasn't able to see the result imediately. I asked my doctor about this and he explained me that the result of this treatment will be visible after about 6-8 days, and he was right. Now because the summer is here I want to do a botox Toronto treatment for excessive sweating, to be sure this problem won't bother me in the warm summer time.

  3. I always thought Botox would hurt! Love this post.. The difference is amazing! xxx

  4. Jude - I'm tempted to have it done there too, now I know I'm ok with it. Really am very impressed with it so far and cannot recommend the Dr who did mine enough! :-) xx

    Sriya - Thanks lovely. I thought it would too, hence why I wanted to see the demo so much but I've been very pleasantly surprised by the whole experience. The difference will keep getting better for a short time too - it's totally a wonder treatment! xx

  5. This is so helpful. Ive always wanted botox I seem to frown all the time when Im driving so Id love to have two lines on my forehead erased.

    Did you swell at all?x

  6. You're welcome, I love it and my results. :-)

    I didn't swell at all, I actually appeared to have none of the possible (but apparently rare) side effects. No bruising at the injection site either. x

  7. İ had botox , 70 hours left but i still can move the area , is it normal? İ m upset :/ :(((

    1. It can take up to 2 weeks for the full effects, after which you should be seeing your doctor who did it for a follow up and possible top up as standard. Sorry for the delay in replying. X

  8. Awesome article, it was exceptionally helpful! I simply began in this and I'm becoming more acquainted with it better! Cheers, keep doing awesome! botox in the woodlands

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