Tuesday, July 26, 2011

OPI Holiday 2011 - The Muppets Collection!

Last year's Christmas saw the incredible Burlesque range from OPI - a collection that I ended up buying every polish from (along with the Switzerland collection from slightly earlier too but shhh we won't mention that)! This year, we have... The Muppets, a collection that again looks like it’s going to cost me lots of money (again). I know sparkle and glitter are not to everybody’s taste, but to me they are my weakness, like shiny things to a magpie – especially at Christmas, which would be my absolute favourite time of year if it wasn’t for the dark nights and crap weather that comes with it!

What do you think of the collection? Do you love or hate the look of it?

I’ll be back with some swatches as soon as I can!


  1. Rainbow Connection is just gorgeous xx

  2. Oh, these are incredible! I don't even like green nail polish, but I HAVE to get Fresh Frog of Bel Air because my car is called Kermit because it is the exact same colour as the frog - I can match my nails to the paintwork on my car!

    Why not check out my new beauty blog, The Glossy Guide?

  3. These are brilliant, I think I'll have to have them all!

  4. I see 6 of those I want already, all the sparkly shades...


  5. I love the collection! Can't wait to see the swatches. :)

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  30. Oh my goodness, these are fantastic! I don't even like green nail polish, but I have to have Fresh Frog of Bel Air because my car is named Kermit because it is the exact same colour as the frog - I'll be able to match my nails to my car's paintwork!

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  71. OPI's Holiday 2011 collection featured a vibrant range of nail polishes inspired by The Muppets characters and their colorful personalities.
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  72. The OPI Holiday 2011 - The Muppets Collection features a festive range of nail polish inspired by beloved Muppets characters.
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  73. OPI's Holiday 2011 Muppets Collection is irresistible, much like last year's Burlesque range. Sparkle and glitter may not appeal to everyone, but they’re my Christmas weakness! What do you think?
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  74. The OPI Holiday 2011 - The Muppets Collection featured 12 nail polish shades inspired by Disney's The Muppets, including vibrant reds with multichromatic shimmer and glitters.
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  75. Based on the post, OPI released a Muppets-themed nail polish collection for Holiday 2011. The collection features sparkly and glittery polishes, which the author loves despite acknowledging they're not everyone's preference.
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  76. "Remember the OPI Holiday 2011 - The Muppets Collection? This vibrant and whimsical nail polish line brought the fun and charm of The Muppets right to our fingertips. With shades inspired by Kermit, Miss Piggy, and the gang, it was a must-have for any fan. If you’re browsing for these nostalgic colors online, don't forget to perform Click tests to ensure that the links and buttons on the shopping site work smoothly. This will make your shopping experience as delightful as the polishes themselves!"

  77. OPI's Holiday 2011 Muppets Collection is filled with sparkle and glitter, perfect for Christmas. I'm excited to try them all despite the cost. Stay tuned for swatches!
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  78. I like this blog. Thank you for sharing this information.

  79. The OPI Muppets Collection for Holiday 2011 looks dazzling with its sparkles and glitter, perfect for Christmas. I'm excited to see the swatches and eager to add these to my collection!
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  80. OPI's new Muppets collection is irresistible, especially for those who love glitter. While Christmas weather is dreary, the sparkle and joy of these polishes brighten the season and tempt my wallet.
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  82. OPI's holiday collections continue to captivate nail enthusiasts, transitioning from last year's Burlesque to this year's Muppets-themed line. The glittery, festive polishes appeal to those who love sparkle, despite the season's darker days, promising another irresistible range for collectors and Christmas enthusiasts alike.
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  83. Last year's OPI Burlesque collection was a must-buy for me, and now The Muppets collection looks equally tempting. I love the sparkle and glitter, especially during Christmas. What's your opinion on it?
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