
Saturday, August 13, 2011

I Kissed a Girl & I Liked It...

... The taste of her Cherry ChapStick! Well, if it's good enough for Katy Perry! You didn't think I was confessing there, did you?!

This is just a heads up that this year ChapStick is supporting the hugely worthwhile Breast Cancer Care charity by releasing the 'Pink Stick' (Cherry ChapStick) which will donate 20p per sale to help people affected by breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Care’s Judy Beard said:

“One person is diagnosed with breast cancer every 10 minutes in the UK. That’s a shocking statistic and Breast Cancer Care strives to be there for each and every one of them. But we couldn’t even dream of doing it without the support from companies such as ChapStick and their customers, so thank you.”

I remember my first ChapSticks, I bought them in mint and cherry and I used to apply them on my lips and lick them straight off, over and over again - kind of defeating the whole point of them, but I didn't care! Anyway, I think this is a fabulous cause and whilst not all the profits go to the charity, *something* is so much better than nothing - plus you get to keep your lips lovely in the process, providing you don't lick it straight off.

Available from September, in readiness for Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October priced at £2.49 from pharmacies and supermarkets.

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