
Thursday, August 4, 2011

I've Had A Makeover... Well The Blog Has!

Hello my lovelies. This is just a little post before I put a make-up post up later (call it a pre-post), to alert you to the fact that I’ve given my blog a little makeover (if you hadn’t already noticed, obviously) and find out what you thought of it?!

I’ve had a few difficulties with the header being in the right place on different screen resolutions, so if there are any issues on your screen, please do let me know (including your screen size and resolution) in the comments below and I’ll get my geek head back on and see if I can resolve it for you (and for my own sanity)!

Anyway, I really do hope you like the changes I've made (nothing *too* drastic), please do feel free to comment below to share your thoughts!



  1. Yay it looks perfect now hon! Love the white borders & new header and it's 100% centred now! :D

    Nic x

  2. oooo I love it! especially the header. Well done :D


  3. Its really lovely! Looks very professional! :)

    Kathryn Xx

  4. Thank you lovely ladies... so glad you like it, and thank god it's centred haha (although I had to make it less wide to get it to work, which means it looks a bit more crowded in the middle)! :-)

    I can't stop coming back and looking at it haha, I may still change the header a bit though! x
