
Tuesday, September 27, 2011 Beauty Awards 2011!

This is just a quick post firstly to say thank you to anybody who nominated me for the Cosmo Blog Awards, unfortunately I didn’t get shortlisted (which was no surprise as there as soooo many fabulous blogs for them to choose from) but I do appreciate all of you who read my blog, and those who also took the time to nominate me.

This brings me onto my other reason for posting, as I got an email telling me that the Beauty Awards are now live, and there is a ‘Best Beauty Blog’ section that will basically work much like the Cosmo awards did, in that you nominate your favourite blog in that section in the hope that they may be shortlisted.

So, if any of you lovely readers of mine would like to take a couple of minutes to nominate me, I would be VERY grateful and love you forever. If all that isn't heartwarming enough, you could also win some brilliant prizes for taking part in the voting.

Thanks in advance to those that do! x

Voting Link! 

1 comment:

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