
Friday, September 23, 2011

A Love/Hate Relationship with Seche Vite!

First of all, sorry for the stock photo of the Seche Vite, it appears that my computer is a bit poorly as it’s now allowing me to do *anything* with my photographs, or photoshop – so whilst I am trying to fix it, I will do my best with what I’ve got already ready to go, picture wise. I'll change it once I can get my computer sorted.

I took my time getting around to trying out Seche Vite as a lot of the time, I don’t use a topcoat due to wanting to take photographs of the product as it is, without the use of topcoats for realistic swatches on here; so I’ve had a bottle sat there for quite a while, just waiting for me to make use of it.

Anyway, I finally put it to the test when getting ready for V Festival last month due to running late and generally being totally disorganised for it. I needed my polish to be dry very quickly so that I could get the rest of my stuff together and catch my train on time, so in stepped the Seche.

At first, when I used it, I could not have been happier, it dried my polish and made my nails super glossy to boot – what was not to love?

It was the next day when my love for it lessened; I first noticed that my polish had shrunk, like a woolly jumper fresh out of a very hot wash from both the top and bottom. I then noticed a weird finish to the previously glossy finish... kind of dull, but patchy and well... just weird, really. I could handle that, it wasn’t hugely noticeable at that point. However, later that day a whole nail of polish peeled off my nail, clean off – like I’d never even had polish on that nail.
Shrinkage, weird matte/patchy finish!

The polish I was wearing was a Nails Inc one, not that old and one that I had worn once previously with absolutely no issues at all! My nails had never been prone to this happening previously either, with any polish so it can’t have been them.

I had to put up with my nails like that for the rest of the festival, since I hadn’t taken polish with me as I never normally need it so soon after painting my nails (unless I choose to take it off in favour of a new colour) – bad times!

Since getting back from V Festival, I tried it with a different polish to try to make sure it wasn’t the type of polish, being in a field or just an unlucky coincidence that this had happened and again, I got the shrinking and peeling. I’m actually gutted about this, as I thought I’d found the answer to my running late/getting ready problems... I guess if I don’t mind the polish only lasting one night, I could still use it, but I’d like to wear polish for a couple of days at a time, ideally.

Has anybody else had this kind of issue with Seche Vite or have I just been unlucky with it? Is there any way at all of getting around it? I've read something about it being to do with 3 free polishes, could it be that causing all these problems? x


  1. I have the same relationship with it as you! I love how fast it dries, it's just brilliant. But it just makes my polish peel off like crazy :( xxx

  2. People recommend that you wrap the tip of the nail to prevent shrinkage, both with the colour and the topcoat. I've never had it peel or shrink that much for me so I have no idea why this happened to you, I'd have been so annoyed if it did it to me while I had no polish/remover available. As for 3 Free, I use Seche Vite over all my polishes regardless of their formulation and never a problem :S

  3. Same issues with Seche Vite here! I changed over to Essie's No Chips Ahead, and it's amazing. Never looked back. You should check it out.

  4. It's been noted by many users that Seche Vite has major shrinkage, I think there are even popular nail bloggers that discuss it (try The Swatchaholic). I use China Glaze, they have various top coats that I have been impressed with. Good luck in finding one that works!

  5. Thanks for the tips guys (haha, that pun was not intended at all)! I'll give tip wrapping a go, see if that helps!

    If that doesn't work, I'll try Essie and China Glaze instead. Thanks again. xxxx
