
Monday, October 31, 2011

The Botox Diaries & Re-Ehnance Clinic in Hale!

You may remember that I had my first ever Botox injection on 30th June 2011 and that I was over the moon with it (it's probably one of the best things I've ever had done) and decided it was going to be something I'd continue to have done in the ever increasing battle for youth?! Well it's now October, and I had regained a bit of movement in the frown area (although not as severe as it was previously) so I thought now would be a great time to get another dose.

This time I had the work done by the same doctor, Dr Martin Kinsella (who is a proper medical doctor and dentist that I fully recommend), but at his main Re-Enhance clinic in Hale instead, so that I could have a look around and see where the majority of his clients visit for their treatments.

I look hideous, I know.

The clinic is very close to Hale train station, however trains aren't that regular from what I gather, so you might be better getting the train or metro to Altrincham and walking to the clinic which isn't *too* far away (or you could get a taxi for about £3ish)!
His clinic is clean and has a modern, but in no way pretentious feel to it and is currently undergoing some work, which will give more treatment areas and a new reception (if my knowledge is correct); don't worry though - the work being done doesn't affect the treatment areas already being used, and actually probably isn't even visible to most clients there.

Martin and his staff are also very professional, and friendly and it's quite clear that this family run clinic is nothing like one of those big faceless places where their main concern is their profit margin. It's always nice to have a personal touch, I feel.

The treatment went well, and my photographs are from just after the injections when I arrived home as I wanted to show the level of movement I had regained since June (excuse the stupid expressions on my face, and imperfections, my make-up was removed from the area and surrounding areas at the clinic and my hair was windswept from being out) which I think actually lasted quite well, don't you?
I'll be posting up more photo's in a couple of weeks once the new Botox injections (and top-ups) have had a chance to do their thing, so you can continue to see my Botox treatment results!

(Is this post with my mug on it scary enough to be considered a Halloween post?)

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