Sunday, November 6, 2011

Celeb Sunday - Kylie Minogue!

Kylie has always been a fan of reinvention and this is her latest (and possibly best) overhaul - she's gone brunette and I bloody love it. I think that both the colour and style totally suit her, and allows her to wear slightly more daring make-up. Which brings me to my next point, her eye-make-up - I love that too, it makes the most of her stunning eyes and really complements her new hair.

The photographs above are so beautiful, I love her dress (or skirt and top, I can't tell. I'd love something similar, if anybody sees anything around please do let me know) and just think the whole ensemble (hair, make-up, dress(?) and shoes) works so very well for her.

What do you think, do you likey?


  1. She looks so gorgeous! I agree, definitely her best style overhaul.

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