
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Celeb Sunday - Sandra Bullock!

I just love Sandra Bullocks super glossy, ombre hair in this picture. Straight hair may not be as popular these days as people strive for more volume and movement, but there's no denying that sleek and shiny hair still looks pretty blumming lovely!

I think she's looking great for her age, her skin looks flawless; although I'd be inclined to think that there has been a fair amount of airbrushing here (and quite possibly a bit of cosmetic enhancement, but I have no issue with that side of things) and her make-up is also gorgeous, neutral-ish but with enough going on to keep it glamorous - I am loving the lip gloss shade, it has to be said.


  1. I agree - that lipstick is lovely. Looked out a sheered out, glossy version of NARS Damage. Love love love Sandra Bullock though. While You Were Sleeping is my favourite movie of all time... I watch it at least once a month. That's not weird, right?

  2. I love Sandra Bullock, but I'm not at all keen on her hair in this picture. I love her very much though and my favourite film is The Lake House, if anyone hasn't seen it yet, it's a must! Plus Keanu Reeves is just so adorable and gorgeous. ;)
