
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Care!

This isn't a beauty post, but is still a topic that I feel strongly about posting up, especially at this time of year. You see, Christmas may be the most wonderful time of the year for many, many people... but for some, Christmas can feel like a very lonely and depressing time of year.

I've suffered with depression for many years now, and I know only too well how a feeling of despair and loneliness can spiral into something a lot more sinister. It's something that you feel like you can't get out of, that you have no control over and when you feel lonely, and like nobody cares then things can get dangerous as life can suddenly feel worthless; especially if you start to think that nobody would miss you if you weren't around.

I've been in that place, I know how it feels to feel invisible, to feel like there's no point in carrying on and that the world would be a better place without me.

[Edit: In March 2013, I suddenly found myself back in a place where I felt that my world had ended, that my life had no value, and that I was worthless. I ended up on a life support machine in intensive care and am very lucky to still be here today. I use the word lucky, because I do genuinely feel it, having been told that it could quite easily have been the opposite outcome for me; and now, having had the time and opportunity to realise that no matter how much I had felt that there was only one way out of my despair, that there was, and is light at the end of the tunnel and a life that is not only worth existing for, but a life that, whilst not perfect, is definitely worth LIVING.

I saw how upset my family had been through that whole ordeal, and also how relieved they were that I had survived whilst I was recovering in hospital, and feel hopeful that I could never put them through that again.]

I have also seen what suicide does to the people (my family) who are left behind, the very same people who had been thought not to care for the person who unfortunately ended their life (my cousin) and it was devastating, really devastating.

So if you feel like this, or even suspect that somebody you know is feeling anything close to this then please, please take positive action, there are people who can help... there are people who care.

Your life isn't worthless, and you are not alone. x

0300 123 3393

08457 90 90 90

Alcoholics Anonymous
0845 769 7555

Info line 08000 50 20 20
London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard
0207 837 7324

0845 767 8000

Preventing young suicide

For people in Northern Ireland
0808 808 8000

0800 1111


0808 2000 247

Eating Disorders Association
0845 634 1414

0808 800 4444

NHS Direct
0845 4647

No Panic
0808 808 0545

Many thanks to Big Fashionista for sending over the links. x

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