
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Illamasqua Stark & Angst For Eyebrows!

I visited the Illamasqua concession in Selfridges Beauty Hall in Manchester a month or so ago and got chatting to the very helpful assistant there who really opened my eyes to making a bit more of my eyebrows, by making them match my hair a bit more.
I've never really done a huge amount with my brows, just the usual tinting and threading/plucking etc and whilst I do fill them in a little here and there, it's literally just to fill in gaps and do minor enhancements. I'm always too scared of the 'Scouse brows' effect (yes I watched one episode of Desperate Scousewives... although it pained me to do so) to be any more adventurous with my HD Brows kit.
Scouse Brows, before (L) and after (R)

So, when it was suggested that I could try something like this with my brows, I was a bit hesitant; I mean I love seeing Alex Box's work for Illamasqua, I just don't think it would work on a 30 year old that's off to do her shopping in Tesco's, but I agreed as it couldn't *really* hurt and could always be wiped off if I hated it.

He used Illamasqua's Angst powder eyeshadow, and then took it down so it wasn't so 'out there' by using their Brow Cake in Stark... and do you know what? I didn't hate it; I was really very pleasantly surprised and purchased the 2 products used immediately.
 L-R - Stark, Angst!
 Both together!

What surprised me even more, was the fact that when I got home, Mr Beauty Scoop first of all noticed the 'brow job' and even more shockingly said he LIKED IT!! This is coming from the man who doesn't really like me having too much colour on my face and says I look better with 'less make-up'...  well, you could have knocked me down with a feather, I thought that I was going to have to put up with him tutting whenever I applied it - ha!

Anyway, I've played around with my purchases ever since and I actually think I'm doing quite well with my brows, I think it helps that the colours aren't dark, so I don't run the risk of having 'Scouse brows' and looking angry! I don't have them like this all the time, but it's nice to have the option now!

Another shade that looks promising for matching with plummy tones in hair is Forgiveness, I urge you to at least visit a counter and give this a whirl... you too may be pleasantly surprised!

I even have a matching pair of glasses!

What do you think?


  1. I was afraid of brow powders too for a lonnnnnng time until a professional brow-person gave them a bit of a makeover. It's scary at first, I agree, but totally worth it. Your eyebrows look great! Love Illamasqua.

    The tv brows look damn scary though. Ugh.

  2. I love your eyebrows! I want to dye my hair now so I can have brows like these x x
