
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Feel Unique Beauty Box Is No More!

I think this is a bit of a shame, as most people always seemed happy with the Feel Unique Beauty Box. I don't know the reason(s) why it's being discontinued but it sounds like there'll be something to fill the gap in the not too distant future.

As a valued customer, I wanted to be the first to let you know that we’ve taken the decision to close our Beauty Box service.

At we pride ourselves on delivering exceptionally high standards of value, service and quality and we're constantly reviewing the way we do things.

Each month we've been listening and taking onboard all of your comments and ideas. We understand that like us, you love beauty and trying new things and it's with this in mind that we believe there's a better way of delivering a bespoke, high quality sampling service based on your individual needs. For this reason, we will be closing Beauty Box indefinitely as of this month.

We realise this may come as a surprise and not without disappointment, but we would like to reassure you that we're working hard on perfecting our new and improved service which we are planning on launching in the coming months.

If you are a Monthly Subscriber, your monthly subscription payment has now been terminated and no more payments will be taken.

If you are an Annual Subscriber, a refund will be issued for the remaining months from March onwards. You will also receive a written confirmation of this in the post for your records.

On behalf of I would like to thank you for your loyal custom and support and hope to see you again soon.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our Beauty Box Care Team: Tel +44 (0) 845 643 0119, Email

Here's to the next big adventure, watch this space…

Kind Regards,

What do you think? Good, bad or indifferent? Personally, I'll kind of miss it, but I guess it saves me a bit of money in the long run.

This post originated at

1 comment:

  1. I'm really sad that they are pulling their beauty boxes. I thought this month's was one of there best. Hope they decided to bring it back.
