
Saturday, February 18, 2012

An Idea For Empty Feel Unique Beauty Boxes!

If you receive regular monthly beauty boxes, and like me feel that it's a shame to throw away such a useful box, you'll have an ever growing stash of them to match my own. I use mine to store various bits and bobs in (as do most of you, I expect), but have found an even better way of doing this with my Feel Unique boxes.

Since they have a drawer-like action to open them, I felt that these would be put to even better use by stacking them up and securing with double sided tape to make mini sets of drawers. You can make them tall and thin or even tall and wide (by taping them side by side and on top of each other)  depending on what sized work space you have to fit them on.
For me, doing this makes them more sturdy, less likely to be moved and forgotten about (or put somewhere safe and lost) and generally just a lot more useful in my day to day life.

You can even customise your drawers to fit in with your room décor by using things like gems, stuck on with glue (if you want to 'bling' them up), or even wallpaper samples that you can get for free from most DIY stores.

I'll quite possibly be doing this on the tops of the 'drawer' sets, just to hide the Feel Unique branding (although as far as brandings goes, it actually isn't hideous), or over the top and down the 2 sides - but I haven't 100% decided on this yet, hence my wallpaper piece is only slightly stuck on to show you the rough idea!
I've found that storing hair bits in these works very well for me, I was always looking for a hair grip or bobble etc when I didn't have a dedicated place for storing them, but now I can easily turn to my 'drawers' and find what I need., they're the perfect size for them!

You could store make-up, make-up brushes (brilliant to keep any household dust etc away from them), nail tools, jewellery, cotton wool products and god knows what else in them, so long as it fit in then the list of possibilities is endless.

This is such a low cost alternative to Muji-like storage (which can work out as being too expensive for some) as they really do the same job, just without the ability to see into the box without opening it - a small price to pay if you're on a budget.
Unfortunately since I wrote this post, Feel Unique boxes have been discontinued - however you may still have them lying around, unloved and I thought this would still be handy.

Apologies for my photographs, it was dark when I managed to get supplies together to show you as much of a step by step as possible, so there's a tinge of yellow from the lamp we have in the room, and when using full flash, the boxes looked odd and I'm only just learning about bouncing the flash, so this is my first public attempt haha.

Is this something you have considered/would consider doing with your boxes?


  1. Great idea I thought of doing exactly the same but have only two boxes as I used to throw them away:(. :)

    1. Ohhh noooo, 2 would work ok all the same though, better than none? xx

  2. This is a great idea, wish I had some Feel Unique boxes!

    1. :-) Will keep an eye out for anything similar for you to use - I'm sure there must be other boxes like this. x

  3. Oooh this is a really good idea - it looks gorgeous with the stencilling on it :-)

    1. It makes a big difference, just trying to decide if to have it all the way around the top and sides, think I will as it will also hide the joins that way. x

  4. I already do this :) I have a stack of 5 with all my makeup in!


    1. It's such a handy way to use them, isn't it?! Do you have any coverings on them? x

  5. Fantastic idea xx Really love your blog xx Wanted to invite you to check out my beauty blog sale xx Lots of Essie, OPI, Leighton Denny, etc xx Hope to see you there xx

  6. This is exactly what I want to do with mine - although it's made me sad that FU are stopping them, I need more! x

    1. It is a huge shame, I'm wondering if they might replace it with something else though as it was such a popular scheme - maybe we'll get even better boxes sometime? x
