
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Celeb Sunday - Stacey Solomon!

This is a first for me, my own photograph being used on Celeb Sunday - I thought it would be rude not to when the lovely Stacey Solomon was looking so radiant, after her appearance on Sunday Brunch; which is the new show that 'replaces' Something for the Weekend, on Channel 4 on Sunday mornings at 10am, if you want to watch it - and you should, it's great!

Not only did Stacey look fabulous, she was also absolutely lovely with it - very down to earth, and clearly very family orientated too. Big win!

I'm a little late in posting this, I had intended on getting this up on Sunday, however due to internet connection issues, I was unable to - and since I've been home, I've been struggling without my main computer as the power supply has broken, and I'm still waiting for a replacement part to arrive - which is also why there's been a general lack of posts on here of late. xx

This post originated at

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