
Monday, February 25, 2013

Nothing Goes to Plan!

Gratuitous kitten image.
I had intended on being able to blog more with this basic internet we have, however whilst the net is 'ok', I've now had some things on a personal level to deal with, which have been keeping me away for even longer than expected.

I am hoping they'll be sorted soon, but I can't put a timescale on things as they currently stand. :-( However, if I feel able to pop on and blog at any point during this, be sure that I will, as I am missing it all so much!!

Hope you're all well. xx

This post originated at


  1. We completely understand. I hope everything goes well for you. I know blogging can take up a lot of time. Cute kitty by the way ;-)

    1. Thanks Meg, I've missed it all so much. I'm ready to try to come back I think now, so hopefully that will translate when I start to try to write again. Thanks for your reply, and yes it's such a cute kitty, not mine, just cute haha. xxx
