
Friday, August 9, 2013

Is Her Haircut Too Bootylicious For Ya, Babe?

So, Beyonce has gone for the chop... whipping off all her long locks for a pixie crop. Could this be her just fancying a change in style? Could it be due to THAT fan incident where her hair got caught mid gig? Or maybe it's that her extensions and excessive bleaching have weakened/ruined her natural hair? I don't think I could chop my hair off unless I absolutely had to (although I have a wig that I totally fooled people with, post on that coming next week) as I love my long hair, in fact I love long hair full stop!

To be honest, I'm not keen on her new style, I like her hair long, it suits her face better - maybe it'll take a bit of getting used to, or maybe it'll never grow on me (pun half intended, ha), who knows?!

Don't get me wrong, she's still stunning, I just prefer her with the hair she previously sported. What do you guys think of it?

This post originated at

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