
Friday, October 4, 2013

Me, Ibiza, Photo's. :-)

General messing around at the airport and on the plane, plus the first sunset viewed from the first hotel.
So, as you know, I've been on holiday, and these are just a few of my pictures from my time on The White Isle (Ibiza). Apologies for the picture quality, I've had to download some of my own images from Facebook due to a mess up with my SD card that was in my camera. There's been fun, frolics, friends and many other F words, but it has been amazing, I loved every single second.
First few days, drinking, meals, morning afters.
By far my favourite events on the island were the boat parties, namely Driftwood and the Island of Trance boat party, also Captured festival and the subsequent after party was a definite highlight too. Top quality trance being played, unlike in the larger 'super clubs' with the superstar dj's and a good crowd to boot, what's not to like?! I'll be writing about these events separately though, so do keep your eyes out for that one!
Boat parties and general shenanigans on the boats - you need to check these out if you visit Ibiza. Also a few images of me being caught 'in the moment' without even knowing I was being snapped, ha.
Obviously there was a lot of alcohol involved in my time out there, so messing around and making a total idiot of ourselves was high on the agenda, hence many of the silly, not so flattering images included in this post! However, I am all about the fun, and not censoring images that were taken in the many moments of fun, that aren't quite so pretty is a consequence - sorry about that, lol.
L-R: First 2 are top of Ushuai Tower for Sasha, Pool Shot (no make-up eek), Bora Bora Beach before Sasha @ Ushuaia and me being an idiot at Captured Festival.
Finally some of the many group shots, we never did manage to get all of us together at one point for what would have been an epic image, but that's the problem with having fun... scheduling anything other than that is a total no go.
Good times.
Meals, messing about with eyeliner/crisps and aftersun in our hotel room whilst drunk, the U shaped potato skin to make U.V, Superclubs (Privilege), Festivals (Captured) and Sunsets (at Mambo).
Below are 4 shots in the curry house on our last night all together, it's the closest we got to a group shot, it took 4 attempts and we still didn't manage it, but here's the attempts of capturing as many of us as possible in one shot, ha.
Hope you've enjoyed seeing a few of my snaps, sorry if I've bored you to death, I'm still overly excited about how much I loved being out there with most of my besties. I almost didn't come back, ha.

This post originated at

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