
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Wordless Wednesday... on a Thursday (Scheduling Failed)!

Just a little post today as I am poorly, but I wanted to show you this product before I tried it out anyway! It looks brilliant, and such a good idea... don't you think? I'll be trying it out in a club, and reporting back what I think very soon.

Hope you're all well and not suffering the lurgy like I am. x

This post originated at

1 comment:

  1. Thursdays are a great day to relax in your pajamas and let yourself unwind, but since we can't be trusted to spend hours reading our favorite blogs, we've decided to make them Wordless Wednesdays instead. Need to visit here and learn more best ways to find the best extended warranty. Your Wednesday's Blog Post of the Week was intended to come out on Thursday, but life got in the way and I missed it. Now we're trying our best to schedule Wednesday's entries for this coming Thursday, which means you have a few hours left to submit your own entry that will be featured each week.
