
Friday, September 12, 2014

No Makeup for Marc Jacobs Models at New York Fashion Week!

So what do we think of Marc Jacobs models having not one single scrap of makeup on whilst on the runway at his spring/summer 2015 show at New York Fashion Week?

I love it, actual natural beauty (ok, they're models... but still) and a focus on skincare rather than hiding 'flaws'. Brilliant.

Only moisturiser was used by makeup artist Francois Nars (the genius behind the NARS makeup brand). It must have been the easiest job he's ever been paid to do too. :-)

Does this give you more confidence to go out sans makeup?

This post originated at

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Non Invasive Skin Tightening Treatment, Pellefirm Launches in the UK; Plus My Experience So Far!

Me having a treatment at Dr Rita Rakus' Clinic in London.
We've all got our body hangs ups... you know those parts of the body that you desperately try to cover, conceal, hide and generally prevent others from seeing, or noticing! I personally could quite easily tell you at least one thing that I didn't like about pretty much any part of my body that you named; and would definitely struggle to find something overly positive to say about pretty much any other part too.

I'm sure I'm not the only person who has this eternal life struggle either; and whilst there may be greater issues going on in the world, when something makes you unhappy about yourself and you have to 'put up with it' every day, it does become a larger issue to you. To name just one of my many, many body hang ups, it would be my 'sorry for itself' state after my 6 stone weight loss. I'm talking about the slightly loose, somewhat flabby skin that covers areas such as my stomach, bingo wings, bottom... in fact; it would probably be quicker, and easier for me to list the places that weren't affected, ha. You get the idea.

However, I'm also a big advocate of changing the things that make you unhappy if you can... in all aspects of life; and so when I'm faced with treatments, products and procedures that can change, or at least improve things then I'm all for giving them a go. Why carry on suffering if you don't have to, right?! That's why I was extremely happy to have been invited recently to attend a demonstration of Pellefirm, a high tech, non-surgical skin tightening treatment that has only just hit UK shores, as I’m always interested in this kind of thing on a personal level as well as to be able to tell you guys about it too.

Now don’t think that this treatment is to help you lose weight, as it isn’t for this purpose at all. Nor is it a one stop ‘quick fix’ in an emergency ‘I might be seen naked/semi naked imminently’ panic, as a course of around 6 (depending on each client and their start and desired finish points) is recommended to see results.

It’s a treatment for those who have may have lost tone/tightness in their skin to help to tighten and smooth it out. This is skin that may have been stretched through weight gain, pregnancy and/or ageing that will not just ping back into place, no matter how much you exercise, or how healthily you eat. It's skin that would normally require surgical intervention to rectify, in the form of tummy tucks and other such skin reducing procedures.
Before & after images, and the Pelleve machine with Pellefirm handpiece from the Ellman website.

The claims by Ellman International, are that by raising the temperature of the skin through the use of a hand piece that is attached to the main Pelleve machine (which has multiple functions, I should add), delivering radiofrequencies into the skin and heating it to temperatures of around 45 degrees that this will in turn heat the dermis and sub dermis to a higher level and trigger collagen synthesis… which basically (as far as I understand it) causing the collagen to break down, and then reform, thus creating the skin tightening effect that occurs afterwards.

Whilst at the demonstrations (one in London at the clinic of Dr Rita Rakus, and another in Birmingham with Dr Hugo and Dr James Kitchen of the Stratford Dermatherapy Clinic taking charge) I was also lucky enough to get the chance to trial the procedure as their case study, so I got to experience it first-hand.
Me having the treatment in Birmingham with Dr James Kitchen from the Stratford Dermatherapy Clinic.
The treatment itself wasn’t painful, although I was told that I appeared to deal with the heat exceptionally well (the heat was increased gradually, which I think helped a lot), and I didn’t experience a great deal of reddening of the skin either which is something that can happen during/afterwards, (but causes no ill effects and does disappear relatively quickly too, should it occur to you), so I was all good with that too. The treatment lasts around 40 minutes per area, depending on the size of the area and also how long it takes your skin to reach the optimum temperature too.

Results aren’t immediate either, as mentioned… although on my short trial so far, I did notice a slight change in the appearance of my skin, so I’m hopeful that with further sessions (something I’m also told I can continue with), will increase and become more noticeable – expect further updates in due course.

Is this something that you’d try out? Do you have many body hang ups?

This post originated at

Friday, September 5, 2014

Models Own Diamond Luxe Nail Polish Collection!

L-R: Princess Pink, Trillion Taupe, Heart Red, Pear Purple, Marquise Maroon, Carat Coral, Asscher Blue, Radiant Pink, Emerald Green, Oval Plum.
I have literally *just* received this information in my inbox, and I couldn't wait to hop-foot it over to you to tell you all about it. My magpie senses are going mad already for this fantastic, sparkling collection from Models Own, due to be released on 19th September 2014.

Not only do these polishes look totally blingtastic, but they form part of Models Own's first ever 'luxe' collection - Diamond Luxe, and who doesn't like diamonds, right?!

This ten-strong shade of polishes all contain real, actual, bonafide, genuine diamond dust. Now I don't know about you, but that's definitely a type of dust that I can get down with! The diamond dust is said to give a 'completely unique, multi-dimensional super-sparkly finish'... well that's me sold already. ;-)

But wait, there's more! Apparently this level of sparkle and bling doesn't come at the cost of having to put up with rough nails that grab onto on any old piece of fluff, like a child clinging to their favourite comfort blanket.

Now I don't know about you, but even with layers of top coat, glittery sparkly nails (other than gel based) never, ever go smooth for me... which ends up giving your beautiful sparkly manicure a more 'dipped in fluff that just happened to contain some glitter' look about it.

Another bonus is that they say these are both quick drying, AND long lasting - 2 of my favourite things to put together when considering the chore of applying nail polish, because let's face it, it looks great, but does anybody actually enjoy applying nail polish? Especially if you're a clumsy oaf like me, that ruins it within minutes. Seconds even, sometimes!

Each polish will retail at £4.99, which is a total bargain in my opinion, and will be available from from 19th September, UK Models Own Bottleshops from the 20th September and Superdrug stores nationwide on 24th September 2014.

Holy yes!! I need them all in my life... right now. Are you loving or leaving this collection and are any colours screaming out 'own me' to you straight away?

P.S, I'll post again when I have some in my hands to show you!

This post originated at

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wordless (ish) Wednesday!

This made me laugh out loud when I saw it on Facebook as I know this life struggle waaaay too well*!!

Who's with me on this?

*Although I have to say, I was also slightly irked by the lack of capital letters. ;-)

This post originated at