
Image Policy, Ads & Blog Disclosure!

Image Policy:

If you'd like to use any of my images then please do so, but only if you're willing to link back to this site with full credit. Thanks. :-)

Blog Disclosure:

I am now taking steps to disclose any items that have been provided to me for review by PR departments, I have done this haphazardly in the past (i.e when I remember, mostly) but I think that more people think it important for this disclosure these days, so I'll be doing my best to remember to do so. Anything that has no disclosure was either bought by myself, or given to me as a gift etc, or occasionally has slipped through the net.

I am a PR friendly blog, but my reviews have been and always will remain my own. Whether I bought the product myself, or whether I was sent it for free, my view will always be the truth about what I think about any given product.

That being said, I'm also not the kind of person to rubbish a product just because I feel it hasn't worked for me as I do realise that everybody is different, and appreciate that whilst something may or may not work for my skin/hair etc, it may be completely different for any of you, my readers.

Please note that some of my links are affiliate links, this will not interfere with your browsing experience but if you'd rather not click them then this is obviously totally fine, you can hover over any link to see if it's affiliated or not, it will show in the status bar at the bottom as awin or similar in the address. :-)

If you have any questions, or comments about this then please do not hesitate to contact me or leave me a comment. xx


There is potential to advertise on my site, and I offer the options of:

Advertising space (banners), with a fixed clickable image/banner on my sidebar (price depends on size and placement area), or a sponsored post (rate dependent on what is required with regards to length, content and if I need to test any product out etc).

I'm also happy to discuss any other ideas you, or your client may have. Please email me, or Handpicked Media to discuss your requirements.

I am sorry, but I can not take guest posts when there is no budget as these things need to be mutually beneficial. :-)

Cookies Disclaimer:

This site uses cookies, as almost all websites do, to help provide you with the best experience possible. Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer or mobile phone when you browse websites.

If the browser that you are using to view this website is accepting of these cookies (and those of other websites), and you are happy to continue with this then you do not need to take any further action.

What to do if you want to control the use of Cookies?

You have the ability to accept or decline cookies using your web browser, but please be aware that it may negatively affect your experience of this site. Cookies can be removed or declined by changing your web browser settings. For more information please visit

What are cookies?

'Cookies' are small pieces of information that a website sends to your computer's hard drive while you are viewing a website (this is also the case when browsing on a mobile phone).

How does this site use cookies?

Tracking/user analysis cookies. This allows me to see how many people are visiting this site and uses a third party service (such as Google Analytics and Quantcast) to do so.

Advertising: The advertising banners on this site come through my network (Handpicked Media) which supplies advertising from a range of approved digital partners. Occasionally these banners will use marketing cookies to show you adverts that you might be more interested in. This tracking system is anonymised and therefore it does notknow who you are, it just uses the limited information available to it (via cookies) to serve you ads that may be relevant to you.